Monday, January 24, 2011


Blockage, tends not to be a very attractive word despite the fact that I have not deliniated my intended least not yet. If only blockage was used uniquely to refer to the structural wonders created by toddlers wherever there are blocks. I'd much prefer to hear the word bandied about as it pertains to the act of building rather than the act of dismantling. If a medical agent uses the word blockage it is usually not happy news nor is it good news when used by your car mechanic just before he delivers his latest too expensive estimate..If potential chokers could have the power of articulating just one single word it should be blockage, the perfect battle cry to spur on potential Heimlich manoeuvre suppliers. Unfortunately there is just no getting away from the neagtive connotations. Many have tried and many have failed, particularly writers, but we can't expect too much from them because the word blockage when used to describe a writer is the worst of all. There have been no studies done which warn a writer of potential symptoms, and what's worse no documented cases that might be able to let a writer know that with hope and a lot of hard work, one day he/she could well find themselves blockage free. Clearly we need to establish a non-profit orzanization to help treat and cure writer's Blockage.

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