Monday, March 8, 2010

How You Say Goodbye

Much has been written about leavetaking but in all that has been said is there ever a perfect way to say goodbye? The permanence alone makes it necessary that you opt to bid your adieus after careful consideration and not off the cuff because a) it won't stick or b)you will not do justice to your particular goodbye, neither of which should be an option if goodbye is what you truly need to say.
The best and kindest way is probably calmly and without emotion which is far easier to do on the phone than face to face and via email is no option at all. The telephone scenario works well so long as no discussion ensues because this can only cause an escalation of things and that can never be good. A short almost upbeat phone call can be the perfect out you are looking for. Should you choose the 'in person' route be certain to announce your upcoming visit or you may find yourself ringing a doorbell that no one answers though you can plainly see the person through their semi closed blinds. If she/he knows it is you and has any inkling as to your intent do not be surprised if they choose not to receive you. This leads back to the phone option. You may believe that this method is too impersonal but in the end you may have no choice but to say what you mean to say on a voicemail recording. If this is your only option, take it for I beleve this to be the lesser of all evils. You say what you need to say and though the conversation is one sided there is nothing to defend. Perhaps the best part of all is that your goodbye is mercifully brief (you only have so much time allotted on a recording)ergo more succint and not at all inappropriate.

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