Tuesday, March 30, 2010

And So It Goes

It has been said many times that your work life can be enhanced if you are fortunate enough to be surrounded by good 'friends'. In fact, the usual stressful situations never seem to achieve their 'nasty' potential as long as your work buds stand by your side. They seem to form an invisible protective layer between you and any malicious lava that is spewed so that you walk through the fray ALMOST oblivious to the disaster that would surely have have befallen you were it not for your 'asbestos' pals! This can lead to what might appear to be gratuitous appreciation if you are lulled into that secure feeling where you don't thank (enough)those who make your job a lot more than merely bearable. You can only hope that they know how vital they are to your life away from home because when they eventually go, you want them to take a piece of you with them almost more than you care that they leave behind a few pieces of themselves. You want them to take the gratitude, caring and hopes you have for them wherever they go because you know that only then will they truly get how very much they have meant to you, and how very much you will miss them and all the special gifts they have brought to your life. You already know how very lucky their new employers are to have hit the employee jackpot, and you are realisitically resigned to a new phase of your career minus your 'friends' your teachers and your mentors, those stalwart warriors who you have come to respect so greatly both on and off the battlefield.

1 comment:

Royan Lee said...

Warriors sometimes need to move on to other battles, but they never forget or leave behind their comrades.