Friday, February 26, 2010

No Committment Please

What to do if your dilemma du jour is that you are in a semi/quasi relationship which as it turns out is precisely what you want? How do you convince the other 'key' player that a peripheric participation is perfectly fine and what's more, all that you wish to have? No easy way it would seem because this is not the "norm" and as such is rather difficult for the 'average' person to accept as a truth. How much personal energy do you feel you care to expend in the effort of convincing? It is odd that you even have to explain beyond the actual words you apply to convey your intent, but persuasion takes on a new meaning when you find yourself in the dubious position of having to do just that. If you care, you might consider putting forth a herculean effort to convincingly make your case and make it good. You must transform yourself into an expert on new age relationships and you might even be called upon to give concrete evidence supporting your views. You become your own attorney, painstakingly building your case all the while taking extra care to plug any and all possible holes that 'the other' might use as leverage to derail you from your chosen course. If you do your duedilligence, you should finally get what it is you want but perhaps not before exhausting all possible protests and cries of 'foul!'for which you must be on the lookout and remain ever vigilant. There will be no 'woe is me, alas and alack' but there will be a case hard fought and won.

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