Monday, March 15, 2010


When you downsize you are apt to become pretty proud of yourself in terms of how you have managed to rid your day to day living of any and all flotsam and make do with much less in a considerably smaller living space. What happens when you have to move again is nothing short of astounding. You prepare the boxes, newspapers, tape gun and Sharpie pens pretty secure in the knowledge that this move will be a breeze since you have after all pared everything way way down. Then you get down to it only to find that you have yet again amassed countless useless pieces of whatever and as the mountain of packed boxes grows higher you wonder how you will fit it all into the new place and still have room to circumnavigate. You begin to worry about the movers as you seem to be way over the estimated amount of cardboard you've contracted for. You fleetingly think that perhaps the best move would be to purchase pretty sheets with which to top those boxes and contemplate turning the new place into a mini cafe with numerous small square tables..but no, there is no escaping the inevitable; you must simply begin the downsizing process again and pray for there to be no more moves on your horizon.

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