Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Long Underwear

The cold weather is back and the onus is on me to prove that I do in fact prefer the rigors of staying warm in the bitter cold to the thankless task of staying cool when the temperatures are in my opinion, way too high. As a connaisseur of "layering' although I fit quite well into this group, I have chosen to break away from the mainstream to found my own wee niche called 'attractive' layering. The rebel in me rises to the challenge of disproving the heretofore synonymity of the words layering and unattractive. I have decided to forsake the heavily padded snowflake infested pastels of old and go for the wafer thin and delicate slinky black that has only recently become an option. Every good layerer knows that it is futile to waste any thought on what goes underneath the underneath but in my new role as a maverick layerer I have come up with a myriad of choices to replace the same old same old. These range in various styles of decolletage and 'interesting "T"s in a rainbow of muted hues with nary a white or beige cotton blend in sight. Once the ensemble is complete and to my liking I might finish it off with a cashmere layer of socks (black of course) and voila! Long underwear a la haute couture.

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