Friday, November 28, 2008

Family Holiday

As we enter the Christmas holiday season it seems that the buzz centers once again on family holiday plans. Much is said about the package deals available which will transport your family unit far from your snowy wonderland to a tropical beach with plenty of sand and sun. If your group is hale and hearty a winter vacation is the way to go and depending on your particular family preferences, you get to choose anything from the 5 star with the hot tub getaway to the esthetically challenging quincee {sp? } hut that you get to carve out of the snow (no not an igloo)all by yourselves. The choices you make will obviously impact the amount of luggage and 'things' you must bring along, not to mention the utensils and/or chains, ice picks etc. for the drive away holiday and/or the size of the limo to the airport which again depends upon the number of family members and the volume of bathing suits, towels and 'just in case' hurricane/tornado/tropical storm apparel. The dilemma of which way to go has been passed down through the ages for as long as there have been Christmas holiday celebrations and it is believed that this quandry is at the root of that old lament; "decisions decisions decisions." Our family happily has another take on holidays and we seem to celebrate whenever we are lucky enough to be together. We need no luggage or "things" and we do perfectly well just bringing ourselves. Our destinations are sometimes wont to change at the last minute and this never wreaks havoc with our flexibility quotient. We get to"holiday' as a family whenever the fates are kind. With the exception of one small black bag that sometimes comes along, we are seasoned travellers who look forward to each and every trip; location notwithstanding.

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