Sunday, November 2, 2008

Click Click Click

Guess what causes the "click click clicks" that you hear even in a noisy crowded room from someone seated across and two seats over from you. Use your imagination but know, even if you do figure it out, the constant sighs intermingled with the endless clicks, were rather annoying and distasteful to say the very least. It's not as if you can turn to the click clicker and request that he cease all further clicking because (a) that would be rude and (b) it is quite possible that the clicks are involuntary. It is when you come to suspect that the click click clicker is completely unaware that his click clicks are disturbing, that you change your mind-set. Suddenly you feel empathetic and each click click click instead of causing you to erupt into nervous laughter, has you thinking about how best to deal with the invasion of your hearing sphere. You come upon the ingenius plan of holding your thumb over the opening of your ear, the one closest to the clicker. This proves effective in blocking out the sounds and your evening can proceed with nary a click click click click to bother you. CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK!

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