Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Eyes Have It

For the last 20 odd years of his life my dad was blind. It's funny how he, our most prolific teacher of life's curriculum, covered every area except for that one. Consequently I can look back and see clearly that I was never made privy to the basics of a life without sight. He never complained, never lamented and never blamed, he also never really described what he actually did see (hues, shadows the vaguest of forms etc.etc.)so recently when I experienced a few hours of 'white' blindness a a result of a test, my thoughts naturally turned to him and the wondering began. If I upon facing a potential ocular problem could be so freaked, how did he ever get used to it enough to take in in his stride? While I in my brief (but too long for me!)moment of fright could not adjust to what I knew was temporary, he seemed to handle it all without 'batting an eye'. This leads me to conclude that his philosophy must have been a nod to that old tune, 'Que Sera' so if that was good enough for him, no retina specialist's words should be powerful enough to knock me for a loop, or cause me to deviate from a tried and true credo. No matter what, the fact that it worked for Dad is proof positive that my only option is to follow (not blindly) suit.

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