Friday, December 5, 2008

The Heat Is Off

Living sandwiched between other apartments on the south side of a high-rise has until now precluded the use heating, as the interior remained toasty warm no matter how low the exterior temperature. This year however the cold began to seep in gradually which finally required that the thermostat be elevated for what I thought would be a quick fix. After 30 minutes of on "high" the cool draft was a bit of a shocker to say the least. It was then I realized that the routine electrical inspection of the unit -which resulted in a 'filter' change- had somehow turned this once comfy cozy living space into the tundra zone. The weather continued to get colder as did the flat until finally I had no choice but to purchase a small ceramic heater. I connected it to my trusty surge protector and as the small rooms began to warm up I congratulated myself on managing this latest crisis. My newfound comfort was short lived as suddenly without warning with the wind beating against my windows, the heat was gone as was my computer, cellphone charger and the few other electronic necessities which had been housed by my surge protector. Electrical overload! Since I am and have always been a non handyman I had great cause for panic during those first instants of the return of the deep freeze. Thankfully logic triumphed and I gingerly unplugged the electrical blanket and re-plugged it into the socket on the other side of the room. Instant success!! After a fine roasty toasty sleep I woke up with a perfect action plan. I purchased a new surge protector and decided to plug in only the bare necessities. I am newly confident in an area that had previously been a definite gray zone for me. Everything is working including the miraculous mini ceramic heater. I also purchased a smaller surge protector which is plugged in just beautifully on the far side of the room. In the end all my electronics are suitably 'housed' and totally on task, but the heating unit in the apartment is still not working.
No, I do not intend to try to fix it myself although I bet I could.

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