Sunday, December 7, 2008

24 Hour Shopping

How considerate of some large retail corporations to extend their hours in the weeks preceding Christmas. It warms the heart to see the signs on some store doors announcing not just an extension of store hours, but a 24/7 period of operation. An answer to our shopping prayers indeed...Now on any given day instead of sleeping through the night we can interrupt our 8 hours by dashing out of bed at 2:00am and racing over to the store for some much needed retail therapy! What a revelation. No more standing in check out lines and no more hordes of bargain seekers to fight over merchandise with. The aisles are ours for the conquering and isn't that how it was always meant to be? We should not lose sleep over the minimum wage earned by the staff who'd clearly much prefer their shifts to jive with the lives of their family members. This is the mighty pre Xmas season after all and why give any thought to anyone elses family when you have yourself to think about? The season of family, of giving, of generosity? If we support these all night opportunities as consumers, then we clearly make a statement about how selfish we are and that puts us right up there with the great minded CEOs who hatched their plot motivated strictly by avarice. Tis the season to be greedy??

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