Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You Were Wrong To Delay

It is always a pleasant surprise when you find out that doing something you were certain held no appeal whatsoever, is in fact not the ordeal you had been dreading. What can be even more surprising is how unbeknownst to you, your opinion has shifted to such a degree that once you actually get to it, you derive pleasure from what you had previously shifed to the back burner. Writing a blog can certainly cause feelings of trepidation but only around the areas of subject matter and content because of course you never really doubt your ability to express youreslf much do you? As daunting as writing a daily blog can be, once you find your rhythm it becomes less frightening whereas if you do the occasional piece of writing but have signed on for a certain number of postings you become the King/Queen of excuses; not today, too tired, no great ideas, cat has worms, first day of the soccer season, hot weekend date, tickets for the theatre, new restaurant to try or the old standby, my computer is in the shop! (mine REALLY is in the shop) Writing affords you the luxury of small forays into your past and allows you on some mysterious level to relive a moment that you have not thought about in eons, a moment that shines and whose brilliance you would not be seeing again anytime soon were it not for the writing. For me, this is enough of a reason to write as often as I can.

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