Friday, May 9, 2008

Family Reunion

Many of us are leery when faced with the prospect of an upcoming reunion, especially when the stakeholders are your sibs with whom you maintain a healthy but long distance relationship. There is a milestone patriarchal birthday to be celebrated and as you push your feelings of trepidation to the back of your mind, you are able to convince yourself that the great rapport you now share with your brothers has nothing to do with the physical distance between you. You feel that because you are now adults, there will be no more sibling rivalry, only love and appreciation for who you have become and that au fond you are the same closely knit brothers you once were growing up together in the little cottage by the sea that you called home. You forget the teenage to young adult years of numerous boxing sessions both verbal and physical and you remember only the laughter as you make your travel plans with scarcely any misgivings at all. If your luck holds, you will sail through the weekend with no instances of name-calling, confrontation, recrimination or familiar jealousy and you will rediscover the joy of family. You will recapture the love and laughter and find that you CAN go home again.

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