Wednesday, May 7, 2008

After The Winnowing

You have successfully winnowed and are left with numbers One and Three without a concrete plan for what to do next.....How do you find that perfect zone that lies mysteriously between not too fast and disinterested? How do you become a juggler so late in the game and how can we ask you to do more than you already do? You run marathons, FISH, winnow, etc. etc. so perhaps we are expecting too much...It would appear that you now have the ideal situation with Number One on the road a lot and Number Three conveniently away when Number One is here so the juggling skills you require are on a much smaller scale which is a good thing. There does however appear to be one other skill you may want to acquire. You have come to realize that you are stretched a little too thin and therefore need to recoup some "me" time. I think that the best way to do this is to become adept at RELEASE. Yes, this is indeed a well known term/strategy most often associated with fishing but every REAL "SPORTS"man know in his heart that if release is done properly, it will adapt well and be equally as effective when used post winnowing as well. Just think of the time you would save if you were brave enough to release the catch (after CLOSE inspection of course) and go with the frontrunner. Imagine how easy it could be to find the time to visit the DECOR center, pick the granite, the upgraded wood and still have time left to telephone your sister!


Unknown said...

...who will install the granite & upgraded wood et all ?
...perhaps a sportsman who doubles as a handyman ?

Stock and Trade said...

I think it best not to mix business with pleasure. The "sportsman" cannot be expected to devote the effort it takes to lay the hardwood floor as he is more often than not gone fishing.