Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday Euphoria

It has become clear that I suffer from a rare disorder called "Friday Euphoria". Without fail no matter how much I love my job or how the work week has gone, by 2:45 in the afternoon on the last day of a 5 day week with almost no warning the full impact of F.E. hits, and I am ready for the weekend to begin despite the fact that there are still "officially" 60 minutes left to be on the job. There is a sudden rush of light-heartedness /headedness and that incomparable feeling of your feet barely touching the ground as you walk. This oddly does not translate into a lackluster performance of duties because that shift to overdrive doesn't negate staying on task in all the ways necessary to be considered a viable employee. You might assume that the onset of F.E. will result in an antsy feeling kind of like chomping at the bit by the exit doors, when it is actually the opposite that occurs. Despite the initial feelings of a racing heart, you downshift into a laid back gear, and find yourself standing by the very same doors you race through each evening, only now you are lingering , saying your goodbyes to colleagues, wishing them a great weekend and having that last impromptu chat of the week with a friend when suddenly without your having noticed it, you and your chatty friend are the last two in the building and still there is no sense of urgency about leaving. This does not signify a reluctance to leave work, it is in fact the best part of F.E. You have begun to slow down which is a complete change in your inner time mechanism. F.E. allows you to kick the pace of your life back a few notches until it is where it should be all the time. For those of us who cannot help but be rushed through the week, this "disorder" is vital.

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