Sunday, April 10, 2011


I thought last year that turning 60 was at the very least, quite surreal but those feelings pale as I slide into 61. I am left wondering how this could have happened especially when I don't think I am ready for it at all. This being said, I must confess that all protestations are in my head not in my body which seems to be humming steadily toward SENIORHOOD!!I do not feel a waning in the energy department yet I do now have hearing difficulties which are at best extrememly annoying and which I believed were a direct result of riding in airplanes in the full throes of a sinus infection, but after a month..what if that is not the case? What if the truth is that my hearing defeciency is due to age advancement? Is it time to retire to Florida when my faulty hearing cannot even discern which elevator doors will open when I hear the ding announcing its arrival on my floor, ( seemingly from afar..) and have to move quickly up and down the corridor to locate the appropriate car? Is this then 61? Is not being able to respond to a speaker on my right side, or not sensing anyone's presence on the same side something I will simply have to find a way to live with? There would be no question in my mind if the title of this blog was 50, and it boggles the mind that a mere 11 years can totally alter my perspective on aging, but that is exactly what has happened. I also have doubts that a small birthday cake would be able to accommodate 62 candles nevermind the fact that blowing that many out on my own is most probably a pipe dream. Oh well, I can always use the excuse that I hate cake and avoid at least one of the pitfalls of growing up!

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