Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Cardamom Caper

It never occurred to me-until now that is- that bakers may have ulterior motives when choosing what to prepare. I innocently believed that the 'baking' motive was purely altruistic, but I stand corrected as well as a few pounds heavier!
Last night I tasted a homemade cardamom cookie topped by chocolate and an ancient family secret icing that nearly defies description. Each bite was a completely different pocket of flavour, and even after the last crumb had been savoured, and especially after that, I still could not tell you in one or two words, what the cookie tasted like. A cookie that laughs in the face of ordinary descriptors defies being labelled by mere words. This then must be the result the baker sought when he embarked on his cardamom sojourn. He had planned it all; he wanted us (his wife and I)to experience all that this multifaceted spice has to offer, and at the end of the day he probably wanted to render us speechless...we did do a fair amount of talking!! Why else? you might ask, but to this question I do have an answer. Any gifted baker who sets out on the cardamom trail wants to render us speechless so that we can fully enjoy the fruits of his labour and get down to the importance of eating that last cookie on the plate. Of course, it goes without saying that when words fail, hearfelt and honest oohs and aahs fill in the blanks, PERFECTLY!!

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