Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Again

Whenever people express their disbelief at how fast a year has passed they will normally give you the occasion that has them noticing the fact that time really does not stand still.
For some it can be as simple as another birthday, for others it may be Christmas or a certain anniversary, whose date you cannot delete whether the anniversary is a happy memory or not.
What's funny to me is that these 'timely' reminders are usually happy even though we may rue the speedy passage of the year or years.
I do not remember the last Father's Day when my dad was still here but I do know that Father's Day has become a marker of time for me. It is with genuine surprise that I recognize the day not only as one that always reminds me of how long he has been gone, but it is also the day where I marvel at the healing that can occur- a bit at a time- year after year because I had once thought this would never happen. The incredible void that used to feel like a bottomless pit, has now been filled in just enough to let me breathe again. I am not at all certain if this 'filling in' will continue, or to what degree if it does, but I am sure that Father's Day will always take me by surprise and send me far back in time to a place where I loved celebrating the man who was the best dad in the whole world.

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