Monday, May 10, 2010

The Quick Thinker

No matter how ponderous the question, if posed to a 'quick thinker' the answer will be instantaneous. You may harbor under the misconception that all responses require at least a respectable minimum of time before one should even attempt a reply but never share this opinion with the Q.T. because a disagreement is sure to ensue.
The Q.T. comes in all shapes and sizes; for example, it could be your spouse who although he has never said so in so many words, thinks ill of your culinary talents. When you ask him what he wants for dinner, his immediate reply will be 'take-out'. No thought required and at the same time he subconsciously shares his distrust of your cooking ability. How about when you ask your other half to opine regarding your dress du soir? The Q.T. will tell you without preamble why (or why not) the choice is perfect or less then perfect. On the other hand, a non- Q.T. would likely spend a fair amount of time in consideration of the issue at hand before responding in either of the abovementioned scenarios; if your non Q.T. is a diplomat you may hear : "gee honey how about I cook tonight and you kick back with a glass of wine." or, "you know I love that dress on you but it is pretty cold tonight so perhaps something with a high neck and long sleeves?" I think that there is only one way to handle the Quick Thinker without getting your knickers in a knot, and that would be to NEVER ask them any questions on ANY topics if your expectation is a well thought out and thoughtful reply.

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