Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Organic Berry Bar

In these fiscally challenging times how wonderful to find when visiting The Organic Berry Bar a well known drinking hole in the neighbourhood, a plethora of newly minted libations that reflect these uncertain times when recession and ecological concerns are at the forefront of virtually everything. I was most pleased to see the following offerings written on the giant display chalkboard:

Green Sidecar

Hydroponic Bloody Mary

Tax Free Martini (with a rebate twist)

Anti-Aging Sloe Gin Fizz

Long Island Anti Oxident Iced Tea

Recyclable Coconut Shell Pina Colada


To list but a few.
How rewarding and perhaps instrumental in the decline of the number of alcoholic drinks sold in this bar!

*Newly available exclsively at our Iqaluit branch, Global Warming Arctic Ice Vodka

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