Tuesday, November 30, 2010


When writing, editing is a given. There are a myriad of ways that a single letter error can totally change the bent of our missive so it is crucial if our words are to pack the punch we intended. Most of us are aware of this and conduct ourselves accordingly. If we are lucky, we may have a private editor standing by just in case we 'miss' something, but in the absence of that luxury we must remain ever vigilent.
If we truly know this, why do we not extend the parameters to include our oral communication? This might be a great idea as we do not have 'editers' who are ready and able to adjust our speech and ensure it is what we intended. Somehow before we know it, certain words are issued forth and though our external ear may know immediately that these words need instant recall, they are already out there and there is no delete button option. Perhaps if we elect to use 'thought' as our very own personal editors, we may stave off any fallout that will certainly occur when words are ejected willy nilly...a 'novel' approach??

Monday, November 29, 2010


There are often memories which inspire us to wish to time travel...backwards. Go figure because as every young person knows, the thing most wished for at that age, is a fast forward non-stop trip to adulthood. This is not merely a case of the grass being greener, it is true wishful thinking in all its glory. The young people never listen to the adult voices of experience who tell them that there is no rush..until after what seems an interminable passage of time, when they finally become the adults. Suddenly their vision is a perfect 20/20 and once the first blush of aging fades and the bloom is off the rose, the wistfulness is born. It builds steadily until perhaps 59 and then suddenly at its peak, the former youth experience that inexplicable yen to return to times past, too long ago. They yearn for a simpler time when life was less complicated, and they see nothing wrong with lamenting the fact that they did not enjoy their younger years when they should have. Depending on the individual and the strength of the lamentation, some actually do manage to return to their yesteryears, but the majority do not and that, in the interest of good mental health is probably the best news of all.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Writers Block

Recently a close family member informed me that he had been advised to write a blog but that he was having difficulty coming up with the 'what' of his blog to be. The 'why' needed no addressing as he was certain that this was not anything he aspired to yet he was perhaps willing to heed the 'you should have a blog' advice for very valid reasons. The 'what' however is proving to be an enigma for this young man and after much reflection I have figured out what really ails him. He has 'what' blog block. This is not to be confused with its way more popular cousin, 'writer's block.'It goes without saying that when it comes to writer's block, I know perfectly well whereof I speak and believe me, his disability is only temporary and is so much more cureable than mine.