Thursday, May 21, 2009


There comes a time although we may fight it, when we need to relinquish our optimistic take on childish games in much the same way that we've given up on regular visits to the playground sections at the park. There are so many instances in life that recall the see-saws we loved to go on as children, and it is probably that fondly remembered up and down ride that prevents us from stamping out the non-wonderful see-saw experiences that seem to be everywhere in our adult lives. Our memories are sun-dappled and remain untarnished so it is not easy to ward off the rides that are nothing like our sepia hued past experiences at the playground. The simplest way to end the newer type of ride that can only end badly-not unlike those rare instances where your "supposed" best friend left you high up in the air only to drop you suddenly with little fanfare and a resounding painful boom- is to refuse to get on. The power of just saying "no" is great enough to protect from any and/or all types of sudden unexpected let downs and does wonders for keeping your
--- covered.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Parents And Children by guest writer Sophia

What is the issue on parents and children? Is it fair for adults to boss children around, maybe not but children have to deal with it. So sometimes kids get pushed around and sometimes they are told to do something they don't want to do. Most of the time the parents make the right decission and the kids end up making the wrong one, but don't you think that once in a while the parents should just let the kid do what they want and have them make the wrong decision. It is really unhealthy for the kid to not be able to make their own decisions, because later in life they're not going to have their parents say "honey you can't do that you have to do this" They are on their own. So through their childhood you need to mix in the occasional okay honey. Even if they make the wrong decision they have to learn from their mistakes.

When Dad won't Listen For Sophia

How does a 12 year old child make her father listen. It's not that he cannot hear what she says, it is that he chooses to disregard and in so doing he is unable to correct a behaviour that causes her consternation. It is totally within his power to change and actually he would be demonstrating a non stubborn streak which would be a really good thing but it's as if he can't see the forest for the trees. The fact that he sees his daughter as headstrong and/or stubborn is the perfect instance where the apples don't fall far from the.........