Sunday, January 4, 2009

Is It A Plane? No It's A Bird

If you believe in reincarnation you have surely wondered in what form you might have previously manifested yourself. It is usually a crapshoot when one opines or hazards a guess except for the case of the 'artiste' then it is crystal clear what one must have been prior to taking on the human form. A musician has to have been a bird, so taken is he/she with the various trills and whistles, bells too that there could be no other possible explanation. The nomadic wanderlust that defines the artiste surely evolves from the constant flights through the air and the many nests that have been so ably feathered, by the bird! The nouveau artiste with a penchant for things 'green' must have been a bird who spent his/her avian nightlife sheltered beneath the green ceilings of the boughs of the trees. The degrees of difficulty where life is concerned vary only slightly when comparing humans and birds. Migration south as birds are wont to do is definitely akin to moving to wherever there is a market for your art. The two have many converging points and perhaps it is wise to maintain some of the things you learned as a bird and to incorporate them into your human persona. This may involve teaching yourself to 'whistle while you work' and if you do, things should go just swimmingly, unless of course you figure out that you were once a water creature; that, clearly, is a whole other kettle of fish!!